FAQs for Staff

What is Coronavirus?

The CDC has reported U.S. cases of the Coronavirus. Coronaviruses are a type of virus. There are many different kinds, and some can cause disease. A newly identified type, called the 2019 Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19), has caused a recent outbreak of respiratory illness that started in Wuhan, China. 

How is the 2019 Novel Coronavirus spread? 

Recent information indicates the 2019 novel coronavirus, also called COVID-19, may be passed from person to person. There are still a lot of unknowns, including how contagious it might be. The spread of this new coronavirus is being monitored by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), the World Health Organization and health organizations like NGHS across the globe. 

What is NGHS doing to prepare for a potential outbreak of Coronavirus?
  • In late January, NGHS created a Coronavirus Task Force including leaders from across the system to begin preparing for the possibility that our facilities and staff may see patients with the 2019 Novel Coronavirus, now known as COVID-19. 
  • We have been following the guidance of the CDC and are working to ensure staff are diligent in following standard protocol to ask patients about their travel history. 
  • In the event that additional preparation is needed, this team will move swiftly to follow any new guidance.

Is the practice to ask about travel new? No. Northeast Georgia Health System (NGHS) routinely asks patients about their travel history, and is continuing that practice in light of the Coronavirus outbreak.

What will NGHS do when if a patient is suspected to have COVID-19?

If a patient is suspected to have COVID-19, he or she will be placed in isolation, and public health officials will be contacted for guidance and possible testing.

How do I collect a specimen for a COVID-19 test?